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Peter Wilson


With over 40 years experience Peter is the managing director and chief geologist. Peter established Earthscan in 1991 and was involved with CSIRO during the 1980's in the research and development of geological interpretation of satellite data. With worldwide experience in major companies Peter had focuses exploring for gold, base metals, iron ore, uranium, diamonds and mineral sands.

Elaine Wilson


Elaine has over 40 years experience in the mineral industry and is the GIS manager. She is the director of GIS Solutions and proficient with a wide range of mining and GIS software. Elaine has had comprehensive experience in database management for mineral exploration and mining.

What We Offer

SPECIFICALLY  SPEAKING - Earthscan offers an enormous variety of data interpretation services for all types of geological and environmental applications

Specifically, images can be purchased, processed and interpreted for:

• Regolith terrain mapping

• Structural geology

• Geochemical studies of mineralisation potential

• Regional and mine scale exploration targeting

• Regional assessments and exploration strategies

• Geological mapping in volcanic, sedimentary and metamorphic terrains.

• Geophysics

• Geochemistry

• Drilling Programmes

• GIS and Database Development and Management

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